Facsimile Editions: New Publications

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Golden Psalter of St. Gall

Siamese twins, hybrids and "monsters": On the biological causes of physical malformations of humans and animals as a link between medieval conceptions of nature and modern science

Quaternio Verlag Luzern – Luzern, 2024

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Boulogne-sur-Mer Aratea

The ancient starry sky in a richly decorated, splendid Carolingian manuscript: The marvelous constellations of Aratos of Soloi in 42 opulent miniatures of luminous colors and radiant gold

PIAF – Madrid, 2023

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Funeral Procession of Emperor Charles V

In honor of an emperor and father: Charles V's sumptuous funeral procession in Brussels, orchestrated by his son Philip II and preserved for posterity in 34 masterful copperplate engravings

PIAF – Madrid, 2023

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Paduan Bible Picture Book

In the spirit of the frescoes recently created by Giotto in Padua: a unique picture Bible at the transition from late Gothic to early Renaissance with over 500 virtuoso miniatures

Quaternio Verlag Luzern – Lucerne, 2023

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Laon Computistical Miscellany

Isidore of Seville's "Book of Wheels" in a intriguing Carolingian anthology: ancient knowledge of the time, the world and the stars in more than 60 colorful diagrams and miniatures

PIAF – Madrid, 2023

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Trebizond Alexander Romance

A literary bestseller as political propaganda for the emperor of Trapezunt: Alexios' III staging as successor and heir of Alexander the Great in one of the finest Byzantine manuscripts ever

Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Postbizantini – Venice, 2022

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De Monstris

Siamese twins, hybrids and "monsters": On the biological causes of physical malformations of humans and animals as a link between medieval conceptions of nature and modern science

Siloé, arte y bibliofilia – Burgos, 2022

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Vatican Aratea

A splendid astronomical manuscript for King Ferdinand I of Naples or his son: Ancient mythology and the astronomy of Aratos of Soloi in 40 beautiful, gold-adorned Renaissance miniatures by Matteo Felice

Müller & Schindler – Simbach am Inn, 2022

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Ulugh Beg's Book of the Constellations

Golden stars and mythical figures in a magnificent star catalog for the personal use of the Prince of Samarkand: Ulug Beg's copy of Al-Sufi's impressively precise 10th-century masterpiece of astronomy

Müller & Schindler – Simbach am Inn, 2022

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Queen Mary Psalter

One of the most beautiful works of the Middle Ages and an English national treasure: 374 miniatures of the English Gothic style, often adorned with gold, and 464 bas-de-page scenes of mythical creatures and everyday life of the nobility

Quaternio Verlag – Lucerne, 2022

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Codex of St. George

Commissioned by Cardinal Jacopo Stefaneschi at the notoriously lavish papal court in Avignon: The Legend of St. George, Slayer of the Dragon

Belser Verlag – Stuttgart, 2020

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Stammheim Missal

Created in Hildesheim and still in perfect condition today: one of the most beautifully illuminated examples of Romanesque illumination in Germany

Quaternio Verlag Luzern – Lucerne, 2020

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Atlas of Henry VIII

Made for the imperial aspirations of the English king: the magnificent luxury atlas of Henry VIII created by the famous Venetian cartographer Battista Agnese

Belser Verlag – Stuttgart, 2020

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Life and Miracles of St. Louis

France's only saint to sit on the throne: 48 large and masterful miniatures from the life of King Louis the Saint, King of France

Siloé, arte y bibliofilia – Burgos, 2020

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Bible moralisée

God as the architect of the world with compass in hand: a unique masterpiece with 1,000 golden medallions, not only famous for its opening miniature

Imago – Castel Guelfo, 2020

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Briçonnet Book of Hours

Jean Poyer's masterpiece commissioned by the cardinal and finance minister of the French king: 25 splendid miniatures like panel paintings in one of the most beautiful books of hours of the French Renaissance

Quaternio Verlag Luzern – Lucerne, 2020

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The Armenian Bible

Made in Edessa as a gift for the Pope's consecration to Rome: one of the few surviving examples of Armenian book illumination

Imago – Castel Guelfo, 2020

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Medical and Astrological Almanac

Health tips and nutritional advice from the 15th century: a colorfully illuminated calendar manuscript as a guide through everyday life in the Middle Ages

Quaternio Verlag Luzern – Lucerne, 2020

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Brandenburg Evangeliary

Golden miniatures as harbingers of the Gothic: a late Romanesque manuscript in the "Channel Style" for the Brandenburg Cathedral treasury glowing with gold and silver

Quaternio Verlag Luzern – Lucerne, 2020

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