Book of Hours of Mary Stuart - St. Petersburg Codex

Book of Hours of Mary Stuart - St. Petersburg Codex – Kindler Verlag / Coron Verlag – Lat. Q.v.I.112 – National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Probably Paris (France) — Middle of the 15th century

Book of Hours of Mary Stuart - St. Petersburg Codex

Lat. Q.v.I.112 National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  1. Description
  2. Facsimile Editions (1)
Book of Hours of Mary Stuart - St. Petersburg Codex

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Alternative Titles
Stundenbuch der Maria Stuart - Russischer Codex
Size / Format
458 pages / 26.3 × 19.5 cm
Middle of the 15th century
Gothic Textura
22 full-page miniatures, floral borders on every page
Calendar, sequences from the Gospels, hours of the Virgin, hours of the Cross, hours of the Holy Spirit, penitential psalms, litany of saints, office of the dead, and a variation of French prayers to St. Margaret, St. Catherine, St. Peter of Luxembourg, a
Artist / School
Previous Owners
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542–1587)
James Stuart (1566–1625)
Charles I of England (1600–1649)

Available facsimile editions:
Book of Hours of Mary Stuart - St. Petersburg Codex – Kindler Verlag / Coron Verlag – Lat. Q.v.I.112 – National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Kindler Verlag / Coron Verlag – Gütersloh
Limited Edition: 600 copies
Facsimile Editions

#1 Das Stundenbuch der Königin Maria Stuart

Publisher: Kindler Verlag / Coron Verlag – Gütersloh
Limited Edition: 600 copies
Binding: Blue binding made of shimmering Asahi fabric with two golden clasps; both facsimile and commentary come in a matching, handmade decorative box (ca. 37.5 × 29.4 cm)
Commentary: 1 volume
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding. The facsimile edition is also distinguished by the extensive use of real gold applied to the miniatures, calendar pages and the rest of the illumination.
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