CC del Castillo de la Fama. Laberinto Contra Fortuna…

CC del Castillo de la Fama. Laberinto Contra Fortuna… – Vicent Garcia Editores – R/10378 – Biblioteca Nacional de España (Madrid, Spain)

Valencia (Spain) — January 4th, 1520

A unique genealogy of rulers in honor of Emperor Charles V: the history of his ancestors and the early German emperors in a compendium of diverse texts and sources, compiled by Alfonso Alvares Guerrero

  1. Printed compendium consisting of various texts on the ancestry of Charles V (1500–58) and the history of Spain

  2. Alfonso Albares Guerrero (ca. 1502–76) sought to unite various disparate works written in different languages

  3. It includes a genealogy of the emperors of Germany going back to Otto I (912–973) as well as various notes and glossaries

CC del Castillo de la Fama. Laberinto Contra Fortuna…

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  1. Description
  2. Facsimile Editions (1)
CC del Castillo de la Fama. Laberinto Contra Fortuna…

Emperor Charles V came closer than any other European ruler to realizing the universal monarchy of Charlemagne. He was also one of the greatest patrons of art and learning during the Renaissance. This well-adorned, printed compendium is dedicated to Charles V and consists of various texts having to do with his ancestry and the history of Spain.

CC del Castillo de la Fama. Laberinto Contra Fortuna…

The full title of this compendium of literary and historic works concerning Spain reads Las CC. del castillo de la fama compuestas por el licenciado Alfonso Albares Guerrero jurista: dirigidas al muy alto y serenissimo y catholico Emperador don Carlos rrey de rromanos y de las Españas semper augusto or in English “The CC. of the Castle of Fame, composed by the lawyer and jurist Alfonso Albares Guerrero: directed to his Royal Highness the grand, serene, and always august Catholic Emperor Don Carlos, King of the Romans and of Spain”. In spite of this longwinded title, it does not effectively relate the contents of the codex, which also include a work dedicated to Charles V (1500–58), a genealogy of the emperors of Germany going back to Otto I (912–973), various notes and glossaries, and finally a curious text from a friend of the author who is a theologian. Alfonso Albares Guerrero (ca. 1502–76) wrote his work because it seemed to him that "our fame is almost obscured and covered with the veil of the darkness of oblivion: and anxiously the great and excellent facts of the strangers in the news and memory of a few, because of the diversity of the tongues and the confusion of so many actors that their lives and deeds were written in as many numbers and volumes of books ". The clearly printed text is accompanied by engraved initials, woodcuts, and the royal escutcheon of Emperor Charles V.


Alternative Titles
Las CC del Castillo de la Fama. Laberinto Contra Fortuna. Siguese la Linea de los Emperadores de Alemania… Motes y Glosas
Size / Format
136 pages / 20.0 × 14.0 cm
January 4th, 1520
Artist / School

Available facsimile editions:
Facsimile Editions

#1 Las CC del Castillo de la Fama. Laberinto Contra Fortuna. Siguese la Linea de los Emperadores de Alemania… Motes y Glosas

Vicent Garcia Editores – Valencia, 2002
CC del Castillo de la Fama. Laberinto Contra Fortuna… – Vicent Garcia Editores – R/10378 – Biblioteca Nacional de España (Madrid, Spain)
CC del Castillo de la Fama. Laberinto Contra Fortuna… – Vicent Garcia Editores – R/10378 – Biblioteca Nacional de España (Madrid, Spain) Photos with courtesy of the publisher

Publisher: Vicent Garcia Editores – Valencia, 2002
Limited Edition: 3160 copies
Binding: Binding of parchment on wooden cover Cloth-lined presentation case with gold engraved leather spine
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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