Monarquía y Sociedad en el Reino de León

Monarquía y Sociedad en el Reino de León – Testimonio Compañía Editorial – Archivo Histórico Nacional (Madrid, Spain) / Archivo Histórico Diocesano (Leon, Spain) / Archivo municipal del Ayuntamiento (Burgos, Spain) / Biblioteca del Instituto Val

Spain — 13th–16th century

Political developments and territorial expansion in the Kingdom of León: the most important documents of the kings of León as testimonies to the turbulent history of their lands in the 10th to 12th centuries

  1. This compendium traces the history of the Kingdom of León from the 10th to 12th centuries

  2. They allow one to comprehend León's political developments and geographical expansion

  3. Thus, a turbulent and important epoch in Spanish history can be experienced first hand

Monarquía y Sociedad en el Reino de León

  1. Description
  2. Facsimile Editions (1)
Monarquía y Sociedad en el Reino de León

The fascinating history of the Kingdom of Leon, made impressively evident thanks to the most important documents of the Kings of Leon! The compendium is composed of official letters, charters, and other interesting documents from the 10th to the 12th centuries. As a result, it deals with the epoch spanning from Alfonso III to Alfonso VI, and the numerous monarchs who came in between. The development of this important Spanish realm and the entire gamut of Leonese monarchs unfolds before the eyes of the reader in this way. A turbulent and important epoch in Spanish history can be experienced at first hand!

Monarquía y Sociedad en el Reino de León

The fascinating history of the Kingdom of Leon, made impressively evident thanks to the most important documents of the Kings of Leon! The compendium is composed of official letters, charters, and other interesting documents from the 10th to the 12th centuries. As a result, it deals with the epoch spanning from Alfonso III to Alfonso VI, and the numerous monarchs who came in between. The development of this important Spanish realm and the entire gamut of Leonese monarchs unfolds before the eyes of the reader in this way. A turbulent and important epoch in Spanish history can be experienced at first hand!

Successors of Asturias

King Alfonso III (848–910) was the last King of Asturias, the Kingdom of León ultimately emerged after his death. León, with its capital of the same name, remains important for Spanish history to this day. A province in northwestern Spain, inter alia, is named after this historic realm. The purple lion served as the heraldic device of the Leonese monarchy. Under numerous kings with names like Sanco, Ramiro, Ordono, and frequently Alfonso, the unification with Galicia and Asturias and the 925 separation of the county of Burgos, from which Castile eventually emerged. As a result, León developed into a predecessor of the eventual Spanish Kingdom in an extremely exciting way.

The Path to Castile and León

The compendium at hand covers a time period from the rule of Alfonso III to Alfonso VI (1037–1109). A new chronology began for the Kingdom of León with the death of Alfonso VI. Under his grandson Alfonso VII, Portugal would become its own, independent kingdom separated from the Kingdom of León. Additionally, a first albeit short-lived union with Castile occurred. From 1230 on, León was finally and definitively joined with Castile in the Kingdom of Castile and León. The history of the Kingdom of León is one of the most exciting chapters in Spanish history. Thanks to the documents relating to all the Kings of León from Alfonso III to Alfonso VI, this historical chapter can be comprehensively and impressively comprehended.

A Comprehensive Document

The most important documents of all the monarchs of the Kingdom of León are assembled here in a true treasure chest of history. They allow one to comprehend both the political developments as well as various geographical expansion of the Kingdom of Leon. Additionally, the documents present a variety of ways that Visigothic fonts in the various regions of León were employed. The documents originate from a variety of various important collections concerning the history of Spain: the Archivo Histórico Nacional in Madrid, the Archivos Catedralicios of Astorga, Burgos, Lugo Oviedo, Palencia, Santiago de Compostela and Toledo, the Archivo Histórico Diocesano in Leon, the Archivo municipal del Ayuntamiento in Burgos and the Biblioteca del Instituto Valencia de Don Juan.


Alternative Titles
Monarquía y Sociedad en el reino de León. De Alfonso III a Alfonso VII
Monarchie und Gesellschaft des Königreichs Leon
13th–16th century

Available facsimile editions:
Monarquía y Sociedad en el Reino de León – Testimonio Compañía Editorial – Archivo Histórico Nacional (Madrid, Spain) / Archivo Histórico Diocesano (Leon, Spain) / Archivo municipal del Ayuntamiento (Burgos, Spain) / Biblioteca del Instituto Val
Testimonio Compañía Editorial – Madrid, 2006
Facsimile Editions

#1 Monarquía y Sociedad en el Reino de León

Publisher: Testimonio Compañía Editorial – Madrid, 2006
Commentary: 1 volume by José M. Fernández Catón
Language: Spanish
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €
(under 1,000€)
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