Book of Kells

Book of Kells – Faksimile Verlag – Ms. 58 (A.I.6) – Library of the Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)

Monastery of Iona (United Kingdom) β€” Ca. 800

A UNESCO World Heritage document and arguably the most famous manuscript in the world: intricate interlace and Celtic knots in a masterpiece of insular illumination that is both mystical and humorous

  1. Once the "most valuable object of the Western world", today a treasure of humanity

  2. Furnished with elaborate, symbolic illustrations, it was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2011

  3. Miniatures and historical initials testifying to mysticism and even medieval humor

Book of Kells

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Price Category: €€€€
(7,000€ - 10,000€)
  1. Description
  2. Detail Picture
  3. Single Page
  4. Facsimile Editions (2)
Book of Kells

One of the earliest and simultaneously most-splendid manuscripts in the history of book art originated in 8th century Scotland. It is the so-called Book of Kells, which is named after its centuries-long abode in the Abbey of Kells in Ireland. The book is furnished with fascinating, almost magical miniature scenes, which account for a breathtaking attestation of the origins of illumination in Europe. Precious colors and rare decorative elements adorn nearly every page of the masterly manuscript.

Book of Kells

In the 6th century, illumination in the center of the foundering Western Roman Empire lived on at a modest standard and merged into Merovingian art. At the same time, an unmistakable, independent style of illustration developed at the periphery of Europe – far removed from the turmoil of the Migration Period and outside of earlier Roman civilization. This painting style is described as insular illumination and developed in Ireland and in surrounding missionary regions since Christianization in the 6th century. The field of research has unanimously identified the 8th century Book of Kells as a textbook example of insular illumination. The mystical masterpiece, wrapped in legends, is one of the oldest books in the world and was selected to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2011. It contains the four Gospels, a compiled canon written by Eusebius of Caesarea concerning the concordance directories and possessory documents of the Abbey of Kells. The splendid illumination of the book represents an incomparable highpoint of Irish artistic work. Practically every page of the text is furnished with elaborately colored and symbolic illustrations.

A Masterwork Steeped in Legend

Disagreement continues to rule over the origins of the Book of Kells to this day. It is thought that it was made by brilliant monks in the Sottish monastery of St. Colmcille on the island of Iona. The monastery continuously fell victim to Viking raids. In order to protect the precious book, the Scottish monks fled to Kells in Ireland with their masterpiece ca. 806. In the year 1006, the manuscript was stolen from Kells Abbey in the Irish earldom of Meath, as is related by an account of a church robbery from the year 1007. A few months later it reappeared, but without its legendary golden binding. The Book of Kells remained in the Irish parish for a total of 850 years and gained its name from this sojourn. It was later relocated to Trinity College in Dublin for safekeeping and can there be wondered at ever since. However only two pages from the grandiose work can be admired. It lies open in a glass cabinet and astounds around a half-million visitors every year.

Splendid and Original Illumination

The Book of Kells was made by monks unbeknownst by name who possessed the most-sound technical expertise and an excellent knowledge of past and contemporary art. They created early-medieval miniatures which count among the most beautiful images of handcrafted book art altogether. Impressive, full-page illustrations of Christ, Mary with Child, and the Evangelists decorate the work. The typeface is elaborately designed and decorated, the initials in particular were sometimes executed with very fine patterns in luminous colors. The high technical knowledge base of the books’ master is made apparent by the selection and production of the colors and decorative elements. In the place of gold, orpiment was used, a rare arsenic sulfide mineral. Lapis lazuli was applied for the production of the blue color, which in this time could have been found exclusively in Afghanistan. The particular charm of the mystic manuscript is represented by a few humorous depictions. In one part, the letter β€œN” is made from two small men who reciprocally pull on their beards. At another part, there is a mouse with a stolen communion wafer, and as a punishment, is pursued right across the page by a cat. The Book of Kells is a tour de force of early book art in every respect and measurably influenced medieval manuscript production.


Size / Format
680 pages / 33.0 Γ— 25.0 cm
Ca. 800
Insular uncial
10 full-page miniatures, including 4 Evangelist portraits, 13 incipit pages, 10 canon tables, 5 full-page initial pages and hundreds of smaller decorated initials: with two exceptions, all pages are adorned with book decoration
Four Gospels
Artist / School
Previous Owners
Kells Abbey
Trinity College

Available facsimile editions:
Book of Kells – Faksimile Verlag – Ms. 58 (A.I.6) – Library of the Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)
Faksimile Verlag – Lucerne, 1990
Limited Edition: 1480 copies

Book of Kells – Faksimile Verlag – Ms. 58 (A.I.6) – Library of the Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)
Faksimile Verlag – Lucerne, 1999
Limited Edition: 680 copies
Detail Picture

Book of Kells

Entablature of a Canon Table

Resting on four columns with the Canon Tables created by Eusebius of Caesarea, this elaborate entablature is exemplary of Insular illumination. Blond-haired and a black-bearded, Christ looks directly at the beholder with piercing eyes as he holds in his hands the tongues of two dragons, whose heads emerge from the intricate interlace frame. The Evangelist Symbols for Matthew, Mark, and John can be seen below him and stand upon three medallions with colorful swirls and a checkboard pattern.

Book of Kells – Faksimile Verlag – Ms. 58 (A.I.6) – Library of the Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)
Single Page

Book of Kells

Chi Rho Monogram

Insular Illumination is distinguished by its decorative initials. This Chi Rho monogram, used to abbreviate the word Christ, marks the beginning of the Life of Christ at Matthew 1:18, and is as grand as any initial prefacing one of the Gospel texts. Known as the labarum, this important Christian symbol was first used as a battle standard by Emperor Constantine.

The codex’s most important page is distinguished by the density of its seemingly infinite patterns. Evocative of contemporary jewelry, it is filled with Celtic interlace, spirals, and knots. Figures imbedded in the composition range from angels to mice eating communion wafers. Yellow and red ochre, indigo, green copper, and even lapis lazuli make up the wonderful color palette.

Book of Kells – Faksimile Verlag – Ms. 58 (A.I.6) – Library of the Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)
Facsimile Editions

#1 Book of Kells

Faksimile Verlag – Lucerne, 1990

Publisher: Faksimile Verlag – Lucerne, 1990
Limited Edition: 1480 copies
Binding: Bound in the finest white leather. The sheets have been trimmed according to the original pages and bound by hand on four cords. The facsimile edition is presented in a specially designed presentation case with decorative elements of the Book of Kells reappearing in both fittings and embossings in silver and brass.
Commentary: 1 volume (400 pages) by Jonathan J. Alexander, Anthony Cains, GeraΓ³id MacNiocaill, Patrick McGurk, and Bernhard Meehan. With a preface by Umberto Eco, Editor: Professor Anton von Euw
Languages: German, English
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€€€
(7,000€ - 10,000€)

#2 Kassette Book of Kells

Faksimile Verlag – Lucerne, 1999

Publisher: Faksimile Verlag – Lucerne, 1999
Limited Edition: 680 copies
Binding: Box
Commentary: 1 volume by Umberto Eco
Languages: German, English
1 volume: 12 leaves under passe-partouts: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €
(under 1,000€)
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