Darmstadt Pessach Haggadah

Darmstadt Pessach Haggadah – Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Codex orientalis 7 – Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek (Darmstadt, Germany)

Copenhagen (Denmark) β€” 1769

Created by hand according to Jewish tradition long after the introduction of book printing: the everyday life of Copenhagen's large and prosperous Jewish community in 20 beautiful miniatures

  1. This religious manual was made by hand in 1769, three centuries after the invention of printed books

  2. The miniatures reflect the cosmopolitan daily life of Copenhagen's large and prosperous Jewish community

  3. Yehuda Leib ben Eliyya Ha-Cohen broke with rabbinical artistic traditions to create a hybrid style

Darmstadt Pessach Haggadah

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Darmstadt Pessach Haggadah

Passover Seder is one of the most important Jewish celebrations, as it serves as an annual reminder of the crucial experience of the liberation of the people of Israel from Egyptian bondage and deliverance into the Promised Land. The significance of this feast day gave rise to a distinct book genre that combines the canonical stories with the associated psalms, hymns and instructions: the Passover Haggadah. In contrast to the Torah, the Haggadot could actually be illuminated. It is not unusual, but little known, that even three centuries after the invention of printing, such Haggadot were still being created by hand for this occasion. Written and artistically illuminated in 1769 in Copenhagen by Yehuda Leib ben Eliyya Ha-Cohen, the Darmstadt Pessach Haggadah is a particularly splendid, Baroque example of such a religious manual. Its miniatures can be read like small canvas paintings reflecting the cosmopolitan everyday life of the large and wealthy Jewish community in Copenhagen and are unusually strongly oriented towards European Christian art in terms of their style.

Darmstadt Pesach Haggadah - Codex Orientalis 7

The Darmstadt Pesach Haggadah, made in 1769 in Copenhagen, was both written and artfully decorated by Yehuda Leib ben Eliyya Ha-Cohen. Its illustrations of the relevant text passages represent ritual, biblical and eschatological aspects of liturgy. The miniatures by Yehuda Leib Ha-Cohen resemble small paintings and illustrate topics from the Pesach-Haggadah with great enthusiasm for details and precision, while also providing an insight into contemporary life.

The Magical Atmosphere of Jewish Illumination

The Pesach Haggadah, Hebrew for β€œPassover Narration”, provides the liturgical chronology of a Jewish religious meal held before the commencement of the Passover festival. Like the Bible and the Mahzor, it is among the most eminent illustrated Jewish religious manuscripts, since the Torah was never embellished with pictures. During the 18th century, the Pesach-Haggadah was virtually rediscovered by the arts, particularly by Danish artists working predominantly on this subject. The fact that in modern times, long after the invention of print, books – among them Jewish liturgical texts – were still copied by hand and lavishly decorated with the greatest care is hardly known, but impressively documented in this manuscript.

A Danish Haggadah

The rise of Jewish communities in Denmark goes back to the 17th century when King Christian IV encouraged Jews to move there for economic and political reasons. One of the larger communities was Copenhagen, with approximately a hundred thousand members. This community offered a cosmopolitan atmosphere and a wide range of cultural and economic activities. The Jewish population in Denmark lived in relative peace and prosperity due to the flourishing economy, which also provided a basis for numerous artistic commissions. Jewish scribes and painters thus discovered a favorite in the Pesach-Haggadah as an object for exquisite decoration.

A Liturgical Book for Passover

The Pesach-Haggadah commemorates the liberation of the people of Israel from servitude in Egypt and the Exodus to the Promised Land, the main intention being to pass on this message of liberation from one generation to the next, as "every person in whatever period they live has the obligation to consider themselves as being part of the great exodus from Egypt". The prospect of final deliverance is drawn from a messianic perspective. Passover begins on the 14th day of the month of Nisan, i.e. on the first full moon in spring, and lasts for eight days. At night, every family has their Passover lamb and unleavened bread (matzah), bitter herbs, and wine. Over the years, a fixed order (Seder) was established for this religious meal, according to which the liturgy was held. The basic form of this order is about a thousand years old. It was later compiled in a small book called Pesach-Haggadah. This book comprises biblical verses, hymns and Psalms, and records of religious customs. The head of the family reads it on the first and second evenings of Passover. As this happens during the ceremony and the meal, most manuscripts show marks of use, such as stains of wine.

Yehuda Leib ben Eliyya Ha-Cohen

The scribe and painter Yehuda Leib Ha-Cohen was born in Lissa, Poland. We know of two Haggadot that he produced in Denmark, the Darmstadt Codex from the year 1769 and a second one from 1779. Jewish illuminators have, as a rule, always worked in a very traditional manner. In contrast to his colleagues, Yehuda Leib was primarily concerned with European artistic creation, particularly with the Danish tradition and acquired a new painting style bridging the gap between the Baroque–Rococo and the classical periods. He was clearly inspired by other works, such as the Icones Biblicae by MatthΓ€us Merian and the Haggadot of Amsterdam. He was also influenced by the etchings of Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki. Leib’s landscapes remind us of pictures from the French classical period and his architecture of the Baroque buildings in Copenhagen, while his interior scenes are conversation pieces typical of the Rococo. His nuances in effects of light and shade conjure up a magical atmosphere. In spite of his having been influenced by other artists, Leib developed an innovative style of his own, which makes his pictures truly unique.


Alternative Titles
Darmstadt Pessah Hagada
DarmstΓ€dter Pessach-Haggadah
Seder Hagadah shel PesaαΈ₯
Size / Format
52 pages / 34.0 Γ— 25.0 cm
20 masterful Baroque miniatures and numerous artfully embellished initials
Artist / School

Available facsimile editions:
Darmstadt Pessach Haggadah – Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Codex orientalis 7 – Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek (Darmstadt, Germany)
Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Graz, 1989
Limited Edition: 730 copies
Detail Picture

Darmstadt Pessach Haggadah - Codex Orientalis 7

The Five Rabbis

After the destruction of the Second Temple, Judaism was reconstructed with Torah study at its center. While living under Roman rule during the 2nd century, Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Joshua, Rabbi Elazar the son of Azariah, Rabbi Akibah, and Rabbi Tarfon stayed up all night in the town of B'ney B'rak near Tel Aviv discussing the story of Passover, even though doing so was punishable by death. Oblivious to the dawn, their students roused them saying, β€œRabbis, it is time for the morning Shema!"

Darmstadt Pessach Haggadah – Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Codex orientalis 7 – Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek (Darmstadt, Germany)
Single Page

Darmstadt Pessach Haggadah - Codex Orientalis 7

The Four Sons

In the traditional Haggadah text, there are four sons who ask four questions about the Seder. The β€œwise son”, depicted on the right as a scholar, tries to truly understand the ritual so he can perform it one day. To his left is the β€œwicked son”, garishly dressed as a soldier, a common way of depicting the son who represents those who have become isolated from Judaism.

The β€œsimple son” is dressed in black with sagging socks, a floppy hat with a white feather, and a walking stick, but is immediately identifiable by the idiotic look on his face. On the far left, the β€œson who does not know to ask is depicted” as a blond, pink-cheeked child dressed in a green coat. He looks out at the beholder as he plays innocently with his toy, unable to pay attention.

Darmstadt Pessach Haggadah – Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Codex orientalis 7 – Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek (Darmstadt, Germany)
Facsimile Editions

#1 Pessach-Haggadah

Publisher: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Graz, 1989
Limited Edition: 730 copies
Binding: Half leather with marbled paper. All folios are cut according to the original.
Commentary: 1 volume (44 pages) by Ulf Haxen
Language: English
The scholarly commentary by Ulf Haxen is in English and provides an introduction to the historic background of the manuscript. It also explains the significance of the author and painter of the manuscript for the history of art, describing every single page separately.
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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