Art of the King (Collection)

Art of the King (Collection) – Coron Verlag – Several Owners

A collection by and for royal patrons: an exquisite selection of artistic miniatures commissioned by some of the most important rulers from the Carolingian period to the Renaissance

  1. For bibliophiles, a manuscript’s patron or recipient is as important as the artist who created it

  2. These folios represent various manuscripts that originated from the richest and most sophisticated medieval princes

  3. The selection at hand contains fine representatives of the Carolingian, Late Gothic, and Renaissance styles

Art of the King (Collection)

  1. Description
  2. Facsimile Editions (1)
Art of the King (Collection)

The greatness of a medieval king could be measured by the size and wealth of their kingdom, the ferocity of their knights, the sincerity of their faith, and the generosity of their patronage. Illuminated manuscripts represent some of the most enduring and magnificent testimonies to these royal patrons and were often intended as gifts. This could range from a grand tome for public use in a cathedral to a small but splendid book of hours intended for private use. In either instance, these royal manuscripts are some of the finest specimens of medieval illumination.

Art of the King (Collection)

Here we have a sampling of some of the finest illumination of the Middle Ages, created at the behest of some of the richest, most powerful, and most sophisticated royals of Europe. These are works of art truly worthy of a king, and were either commissioned by a member of a royal family or acquired by them. The first is a wonderful example of the artistic sophistication already achieved in Carolingian art more than 1,000 years ago, while the other three demonstrate the elegance of illuminated manuscripts belonging to the Late Gothic and Renaissance styles.

  1. Q Initial, Tours Evangeliary, Tours, 857–862 – New York, Pierpont Morgan Library
  2. Falcon-Hunting on Horseback, Les TrĂšs Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, Paris, 1413 – Chantilly, MusĂ©e CondĂ©
  3. Christ before Caiaphas, Book of Hours of Lorenzo de' Medici, Florence, 1485 – Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
  4. Statutes of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Statute Book of the Order, Bruges, 1520 – Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek


Alternative Titles
Kunst der Könige
Kunst der Konige Grosse Buchmalerei des Mittelaters
This single leaf collection includes following four miniatures:

1. Q Initial, Tours Evangeliary, Tours, 857–862 – New York, Pierpont Morgan Library;

2. Falcon-hunting on horseback, Les TrĂšs Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, Paris, 1413 – Chantilly, MusĂ©e C

Available facsimile editions:
Art of the King (Collection) – Coron Verlag – Several Owners
Coron Verlag – GĂŒtersloh, 1984
Limited Edition: 1495 copies
Facsimile Editions

#1 Kunst der Könige

Coron Verlag – GĂŒtersloh, 1984

Publisher: Coron Verlag – GĂŒtersloh, 1984
Limited Edition: 1495 copies
Commentary: 1 volume
Language: German
1 volume: This facsimile is not complete. Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €
(under 1,000€)
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